


시아 코인 주간 개발 소식이 올라왔네요. 다른 시아 카피 혹은 파생 코인들, Sia Classic, Sia Prime, Space Cash 등은 거의 개발 활동이 멈추다시피 하거나 고전하는 것을 봤을 때, 시아처럼 개발 그룹 탄탄한 것 만해도 얼마나 감사한지 모릅니다. 


시아 UI 1.4.1 개발 잘 진행되고 있는 듯하고요. 자잘한 13개의 업데이트된 것 같습니다.

또 함께 할 직원 5명을 신규 채용하고 있다고 하니, 앞으로 더욱 왕성할 활동을 할 것이라고 믿어봅니다!




Development Update for week of April 7th, 2019

Release Progress: 1.4.1

The Sia team and various community contributors have been squashing various bugs in Sia and Sia-UI including bugs around file renaming, memory leaks, and using the siac utility.


Community contributor geo-gs got an interesting bit of code merged in to Sia this week. His Merge Request titled “Add Genesis Siacoin Allocation” sets up Sia to be more easily forked from the genesis block for use in other Crypto projects supporting an Airdrop. Just to clarify, this is a fork of Sia, and Sia is not airdropping any coins; this MR simply makes it easier to fork and airdrop coins for projects based off Sia.


Other News

- Nebulous is hiring for 5 new positions. Check them out here: https://angel.co/nebulous/jobs

- Community member tbenz9 wrote a blog post on how to secure your wallet, renters, and hosts. https://medium.com/@tbenz9/securing-sia-wallets-renter-and-hosts-17a020d8b86b



13 Merge requests were merged into the Sia repository this week.
